Selected Works
A few favorite passion projects from over the years
I like to read, a lot. What better way to celebrate that than inviting you on a visual analytical storytelling journey through my reading history over the last several years! (Thanks to Goodreads for storing my reading data and Tableau for the visualization tools). On my Tableau Server account you may also find another project building dashboards for Bill and Melinda Gates foundation grant data.
As a DataCamp Instructor, I designed and developed a Jupyter Notebook project to guide students in applying analytical skills including data manipulation, k-means clustering, visualization, and storytelling via R using real-world data. The project, Degrees That Pay You Back, is available for premium account users and has been used by over 2,500 students.

SHELF Book Club
Salon [səˈlän] n. 1. A periodic assembly of guests, particularly a gathering of literary, artistic, social, cultural, or intellectual distinction.
SHELF: Salon for Hip, Evocative, Literary Fanatics
We are an inclusive group of bibliophiles seeking to share a social space for discussing thought-provoking, inspiring, and diverse novels. This is a Meetup community I currently co-host each month.
SLAMMM: Salon (for) Literary, Artistic, Musical, & Movement Mash-ups. During my time in Seattle, I hosted this group as a monthly open community fostering the sharing of art, ideas, and passions, alongside the interactive blending of talents for new creative mashups. The only requirement to attend was bringing a “creative contribution” of your choice to share in a casual jam-setting - the opportunities were endless.
I created album cover artwork (drawn by hand) and graphic design edits for 4 of Oakland musician Mighty Quinn's releases and provide occasional website updates for his website. You can listen to his punk rock jams at mightyquinnwalker.bandcamp.com! These are my favorite designs.
The mission of the Wudang Internal Martial Arts Academy is to spread awareness of Chinese internal martial arts, promote health and spiritual cultivation, and to teach serious and practical fighting techniques for self-defense.
I redesigned their website with a bright, simpler, more modern look in alignment with the academy's desired aesthetic. I also served as webmaster, designer, and consultant for the managing of new content and online presence as they continue to advertise internal Chinese martial arts classes in Seattle, WA for several years.
I designed a new website for a private practice therapist in the Seattle area after providing consultation to understand the goals and desired feel of the site. Produced a full draft within 2 hours which was well-received, and quickly completed the minor tweaks requested before putting into production.
Chinese Martial Arts
I started studying tai chi in 2013 with Starfire in Berkeley. For 5 years, I studied baguazhang, taijiquan, and qigong at the International Wudang Internal Martial Arts Academy and was a member of the demonstration team which regularly performs around Seattle, WA.

I also enjoyed competing in several tournaments:
March 2015: Chinese Martial Arts Tournament (CMAT) in Berkeley, CA
Gold in Beginner's Tai Chi Short Weapon
March 2016: CMAT in Berkeley, CA
​Gold in Intermediate Tai Chi Short Weapon, and Gold in Intermediate Tai Chi Partner Form
May 2018: Can-Am International Martial Arts Tournament in Vancouver, BC, Canada
​​Gold in Advanced Baguazhang Hand Form
June 2018: International Chinese Martial Arts Tournament (ICMAC) in Orlando, FL
​Gold in Advanced Baguazhang Weapon and Silver in Advanced Baguazhang Hand Form
March 2019: CMAT in Berkeley, CA
​​Gold in Advanced Baguazhang Hand Form and Gold in Advanced Internal Long Weapon
August 2019: Seattle International Chinese Martial Arts Tournament in Seattle, WA
Gold in Advanced Baguazhang Dao (broadsword), Silver in Advanced Baguazhang Hand Form, and Silver in Advanced Other Traditional Weapon Form (baguazhang crescent moon knives)
Most recently, I have studied Wing Chun in Maryland.